Kawai upright CX SERIES 21D. Hasn’t been tuned in many years. Required Pitch raise and then a fine tuning.
Clean Piano Keys! Easy Steps!
If you are a regular piano player you will be aware of the fact that maintaining the piano in great shape for an extended period means regular maintenance and cleaning the piano when required. A clean piano is key to proper and long term maintenance. One of the more significant tasks included in the maintenance … Continue reading “Clean Piano Keys! Easy Steps!”
Piano Tuning Tips! Maintain A Pitch Perfect Piano!
A piano is an ongoing investment and there is no way around piano tuning and servicing regularly. But the truth is that several piano owners wait for years or even decades before they undertake piano tuning. Therefore, some pianos are sadly never properly tuned. However, in most cases, it does not mean that people do … Continue reading “Piano Tuning Tips! Maintain A Pitch Perfect Piano!”
Learn Piano Skills From Home
Now that many of us have extra time on our hands due to the Coronavirus, one may consider picking up a new skill. If you have always wanted to play the piano, now is the time to learn piano skills. Learning piano from home is one way that you can stay safe while pursuing a … Continue reading “Learn Piano Skills From Home”
Tips For Proper Piano Maintenance
If we are holders of an acoustic keyboard instrument (digital piano or piano), we must ensure its good functioning. A properly cared and preserved instrument will repay you with a beautiful sound and will serve you for many years. The instrument left in a random place, long unused and unfinished, can lose its sound qualities, … Continue reading “Tips For Proper Piano Maintenance”
Learn Piano Easily and Effectively
Learning to play any musical instrument is quite a challenge, which will require a huge amount of patience and perseverance. It is better, first of all, to get acquainted at least casually with a musical note, but not all instruments require its knowledge. For example, learning guitar, offers an alternative, simple option – tablature. However, … Continue reading “Learn Piano Easily and Effectively”
Where is the Best Place in the House to Put a Piano?
In order to choose the most suitable place for installing the piano, you need to consult with experts or with the piano tuner. It should be noted that acoustics are influenced, for example, from what material the floor and walls in the room are made, and also what specific fabrics (drapes) and carpets are used … Continue reading “Where is the Best Place in the House to Put a Piano?”
Piano Care – How to Maintain Your Piano
In order for the piano to serve for a long time, follow the rules of piano care: 1. The instrument should be kept in a room with an average room temperature within +68 degrees and with a humidity of 50%. It is important not to allow sudden fluctuations in temperature and humidity. Otherwise, the tool … Continue reading “Piano Care – How to Maintain Your Piano”
Why Should You Tune Your Piano More Often?
Of all the posters that a piano technician or a tuner has to face, the above question is undoubtedly the one he has to respond to frequently. Before answering the question, it is important to clear the air regarding piano tuning as there is a widespread misconception about the same. There are a lot of … Continue reading “Why Should You Tune Your Piano More Often?”