Music has always had a soothing and uplifting effect upon the human psyche since times immemorial. Music, it has been rightly remarked, is food for the soul. Learning to play a musical instrument like a guitar or piano is as significant as engaging in a sporting activity for the all round development of children and youngsters. For instance, taking piano lessons can go a long way in boosting up memory, reasoning and motor skills as well as improve eye-to-hand coordination and social networking skills.
Following are some useful benefits that children can take advantage of for a lifetime if they can master the skills of playing piano:-
1. Taking piano lessons makes the child more productive at school
Practicing to play the piano on a regular basis can help your kid become more creative at school. Numerous studies have been conducted overwhelmingly proving that children who take piano lessons are more likely to score higher marks in standardized tests as well as assessments that gauge their cognitive skills. Findings from such trials also corroborate that school going kids playing piano are more adept at solving mathematical problems, especially algebraic functions and ratios.
2. Learning to master playing the piano boosts up coordination skills
One needs to be very patient and persevering in order to master playing piano, regarded both as a stringed and percussion instrument. A standard piano comes with 88 keys, 52 white and 36 black, and the child has to learn using both his hands dexterously so as to produce the appropriate notes from each key. Attending piano lessons regularly eventually results in the kid bettering his eye-to-hand coordination and motor skills.
The rate or pace at which the fingers presses the keys to differ greatly, some bearing down slowly while the rest pushing harder and faster. Routinely practicing on the piano leads to the balanced mental development of the child.
3. Helps in personality development and raising self-esteem
Attempting to play the piano unlike a guitar or cello is evidently more difficult and therefore the learner needs to be extremely diligent and dedicated to becoming skilled in playing piano. Every time the kid gets an opportunity to display the playing skills he has imbibed at a recital or at a live musical soiree, his self-confidence receives a boost. If he is able to perform effectively in front of a large audience, his self-esteem goes up tremendously.
From an overall perspective, children receiving lessons in the piano are better prepared to confront the ups and downs in life compared to kids who did not.
4. Concentration levels also receives a boost
Children need to be alert and stay focused while the piano teacher shows them how to strike the keys so that these generate the full notes range of naturals, sharps, and flats. They need to keep their eyes and ears open for learning the lessons and picking up the skills for playing piano like a pro. The steadiness they need to cultivate in order to stay focused contributes towards boosting their concentration levels.
5. Piano lessons encourage children to become patient and persevering
Once a kid begins to play the piano, he soon realizes that it might take him years before he could play the musical instrument with perfection. He understands that he must persist if he has to succeed which eventually makes him patient and persevering.
Picture Credit: crystalle