Of all the posters that a piano technician or a tuner has to face, the above question is undoubtedly the one he has to respond to frequently. Before answering the question, it is important to clear the air regarding piano tuning as there is a widespread misconception about the same. There are a lot of … Continue reading “Why Should You Tune Your Piano More Often?”
Piano Classes
The Normal Cost of Tuning a Piano
Hardly anybody will dispute that a piano looks massive and bulky. Nevertheless, in reality, it is one of the most sophisticated of musical instruments, exquisitely pieced together from delicate and complex parts that work in perfect harmony, making each of the 88 keys produce a distinct note. The piano keys together with the internal components … Continue reading “The Normal Cost of Tuning a Piano”
5 Distinct Ways in Which Piano Classes Can Benefit Youngsters
Music has always had a soothing and uplifting effect upon the human psyche since times immemorial. Music, it has been rightly remarked, is food for the soul. Learning to play a musical instrument like a guitar or piano is as significant as engaging in a sporting activity for the all round development of children and … Continue reading “5 Distinct Ways in Which Piano Classes Can Benefit Youngsters”