There are many musical instruments, all of them are unique and have their own characteristics. The piano is a unique and most perfect instrument, it is an orchestra in one musical instrument, and if you master playing the piano, you will not be difficult to master the skills of playing any other musical instrument. The … Continue reading “Benefits of Playing Piano for Your Body and Mind”
Piano Classes
Is It Worth It To Learn Piano If You Don’t Plan To Get Good At It?
Did you know that learning to play keyboard instruments can be a very effective form of self-improvement?! Playing the piano is the most complicated activity done with the hands that humanity has come up with. Compare this to the surgeon’s work – widely regarded as extremely complicated. It requires great precision, so-called of a hand, … Continue reading “Is It Worth It To Learn Piano If You Don’t Plan To Get Good At It?”
Why Learning Music Theory is Important for all Pianists
The music theory is not a new concept, it appeared quite a long time ago. The music theory was taught to pianists and composers, even when learning to play the piano compositions enjoyed maximum popularity (in the 18th and 19th centuries) to enable them to understand the structure and functioning of music. The musical theory, … Continue reading “Why Learning Music Theory is Important for all Pianists”
Learn Piano Easily and Effectively
Learning to play any musical instrument is quite a challenge, which will require a huge amount of patience and perseverance. It is better, first of all, to get acquainted at least casually with a musical note, but not all instruments require its knowledge. For example, learning guitar, offers an alternative, simple option – tablature. However, … Continue reading “Learn Piano Easily and Effectively”
The Effect of Study Music on Human Health and Brain Growth
Music lessons or learning a game on any musical instrument can positively influence the development of your brain in many ways. This is not just a theory; This has been proven in a number of scientific studies and works carried out on this subject. It has been proved that music has a magical effect on … Continue reading “The Effect of Study Music on Human Health and Brain Growth”
10 Myths About Learning the Piano
For more than three centuries people have known the pianoforte. And no wonder that during such a time, there are a lot of prejudices and myths associated with playing this musical instrument. How to play correctly? Than to amaze the listener? How to become a virtuoso? How many need to learn? .. These and many … Continue reading “10 Myths About Learning the Piano”
How should an adult beginner start learning piano?
While visiting classical concerts, perhaps, many of us have a question: how to learn to play the piano, how the music is born under the skillful fingers of the accompanist and will I be able to play something like that? It is then that we say to ourselves “I want to” and begin to frantically … Continue reading “How should an adult beginner start learning piano?”
The Correct Posture for Piano Playing!
As you know, a good foundation is the basis that the whole structure will be stable. In the case of the piano, this foundation will be the right landing for the piano, because even knowing the whole theory, you banal because of physical difficulties, you can not reveal the full potential. Initially, you may find … Continue reading “The Correct Posture for Piano Playing!”
10 Ways Learning to Play Piano May Help Your Child’s Development
Everyone knows that playing the piano is useful for the child. Have you ever thought that besides direct benefit from studying music, playing the piano gives you a whole bunch of pluses in other areas of your child’s development? And here are 10 of them. 1. Development of coordination Playing the piano helps to develop … Continue reading “10 Ways Learning to Play Piano May Help Your Child’s Development”
The best age to begin playing piano
Music affects both children and adults and plays an important role in the mental and physical development of children, if you start it at an early age. Music is already present in the life of children in the very infancy in the form of lullabies or poems that you sing or play for them. But … Continue reading “The best age to begin playing piano”