Music affects both children and adults and plays an important role in the mental and physical development of children, if you start it at an early age. Music is already present in the life of children in the very infancy in the form of lullabies or poems that you sing or play for them. But this is only the beginning of the road, which will give them many advantages in the future. The study of any musical instrument stimulates the creative beginning and sense of pleasure at public events in children. When children start learning to play the piano, they will get many hidden benefits that will affect their body, mind and soul. Lack of loneliness and complete instant relief in any depression – these are just two of the many advantages that a person gets when learning to play the piano.
Start the musical life of children at an early age
- You might think that it’s too early for your children to start playing the piano, but even if they can not learn to play, simply having a class is also useful. Listening to piano music can motivate them and expand consciousness. This will give them a sense of happiness from socialization with other people.
- Various studies have shown that children who learn to play the piano from an early age show impressive results in logical reasoning and problem solving. Learning to play on any instrument (especially on a complex one, such as a piano) stimulates the development of their nervous system and leads to an improvement in brain function. Therefore such children aspire to receive good estimations and show the best results in mathematical and cognitive tests in comparison with others.
- Children who start learning music have fewer problems with discipline compared to their classmates. Most of them are striving to achieve results in everything they do, and, thus, they enter the chosen universities in the chosen specialty.
- Children who are able to play the piano independently do not feel lonely and are able to spend time alone with themselves.
In addition, there are many other benefits that children who have been involved in music from an early age receive. Let’s talk about them in more detail.
As parents, you can give your child very much:
- Make music a part of everyday life at home.
- Allow children to listen to music of different genres on different instruments. Take them to concerts or listen to the radio with them. Give them the opportunity to explore the magical world of music in various ways.
- If one of you is a singer or musician, you can transfer the musical gift to your children.
- For preschoolers, create your own house tool from cans, panicles, cups, etc. They will be very fun.
- Encouragement is a necessary part of learning to play the piano or another instrument for your children. Demonstrate interest and praise them for success.
- Be a role model for your child. If you do not know how to play the piano, study with the children to motivate them.
Since piano lessons contain so many development opportunities for children, it is never too early or too late to start learning to play. Why not give children a chance to develop and enrich their lives as early as possible?
Estimate the right time to start school
No one but you can better understand your children. Therefore, you need to independently evaluate whether it’s time for your child to learn to play the piano or not. If you have seen a video on which a four-year-old plays the piano, this does not mean that you must begin to teach your four-year (or younger) child. First, introduce the child to the instrument, check whether the child shows interest in it. At a public event, in a music store or on TV – show the child a piano. Some children react poorly to a normal learning structure and prefer to explore the instrument themselves. Enter music, singing, dancing and the like into the daily life of your children before starting to prepare them for playing the piano.
Check availability
Here we have outlined several signs that your child is ready to learn how to play the piano. Most children do not show these signs until 5-8 years, so you do not need to rush.
- Interest in studying music: Motivation is a significant factor in assessing a child’s readiness for piano lessons. Parents should spend time with children to instill in them an interest in music and check whether they have the desire to play this instrument.
- Hand size: When starting piano lessons, make sure that your child’s hands and fingers are comfortably placed on the keyboard. An acoustic grand piano can be too big for your baby, and therefore it will be better to buy a small digital piano. Your child should be comfortable to play – this is the main part of the training.
- Finger movements and independence: Your child must understand the movements of the fingers and be able to use each of them independently. This is necessary for playing the piano. You can check the finger movements and how many fingers your child is using, allowing him to examine the instrument himself. A child who plays the piano with one finger may not yet be ready for classes.
Training on books
If you plan to teach your child to play books, wait until he begins to read freely. This means that you must wait until 7-8 years. If you prefer to learn by ear, you can start at 5-6 years old.
Teaching with other children
Even if your child starts to study at age 8 or later, it’s not too late. Despite the fact that you will definitely see huge positive changes, if you start earlier, with practice and desire you can develop an understanding of music regardless of age. It is true that lessons at an early age facilitate the learning process in comparison with older students. Little children are less occupied with other things and experience less stress from them, and so they can concentrate more and devote more time to exercises. Children who seriously study at school can find it difficult to find time for rehearsals among a large number of classes at school and outside it. The older they become, the more busy becomes their life.
If your child meets all the requirements (the desire to learn, the convenience of placing the hands on the instrument, the movement of the fingers), you can start the piano lessons as soon as possible. If you start at an early age, you increase the chance that music and piano playing will become a part of the personality and mind of your child. But remember the great truth that it’s never too late to learn!
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