If you look under your piano, you can find three brass-colored levers close to the bottom. They are piano pedals and they are present on upright or grand pianos. A lot of pianists wonder what they do but these piano pedals are significant for creating music. You can find pedal markings on some sheets of … Continue reading “Piano Pedals And Why They Are So Important”
Learn Piano
Getting Back To Playing Piano
If you are an adult student that has possibly learned to play piano as a child and you are interested in making a fresh beginning, read on. Deciding to play the piano again is certainly one of the better decisions you will make. There is not only a range of benefits involved in practicing various … Continue reading “Getting Back To Playing Piano”
How To Learn Piano Yourself At Home?
A common question asked by aspiring pianists is if they can learn piano themselves at home. Yes, it is possible. Although learning piano from an instructor is the best way, some students often prefer self-learning. The piano is the most versatile instrument, learning it serves you well in various other areas of life. In case … Continue reading “How To Learn Piano Yourself At Home?”
How Music Can Improve Your Life
Music has been around ever since humans started banging logs or humming along. It is a constant accompaniment that has its presence in almost every stage of our life. Music remains to be a medium that connects people. It can draw huge crowds to assemble, listen and discuss. Knowing how to invigorate a crowd, artists … Continue reading “How Music Can Improve Your Life”
How To Prepare Yourself Before Playing Piano Before An Audience
How would you feel if you are asked to perform in front of a large audience? Does this idea make you sweat or your hands shake? You don’t have to worry if that happens to you as this is completely normal. It’s a natural human instinct that occurs due to stressful circumstances. Both beginners and … Continue reading “How To Prepare Yourself Before Playing Piano Before An Audience”
Practice Playing Piano! How Often?
Betterment of skills at playing the piano takes a lot of work and you are going to need a lot of practice for it. However, mindless practice for playing piano will not be effective for improving the skills. It doesn’t matter how much time you spend playing piano, it is significant to enhance the skills … Continue reading “Practice Playing Piano! How Often?”
Taking Time To Learn Playing Piano
Many times it feels as if time is speeding up and becoming unavailable quickly especially after the last year. With all the events happening around you all the time, you may wonder if you will ever find time to practice playing the piano. It is difficult to find the time away from a packed schedule … Continue reading “Taking Time To Learn Playing Piano”
Art Of Practicing To Play Piano Well
Many people practice playing the piano or other similar musical instruments for longer hours every day while others practice just for 20 minutes each day a few times every week. The question is, does it mean that people practicing for longer hours are more likely to get better? The answer is not necessarily. The number … Continue reading “Art Of Practicing To Play Piano Well”
Play Piano In Front Of An Audience
How would you feel if someone asked to play piano in front of a huge audience? The very idea may get your hands to tremble and have cold sweat running down your spine. But rest assured it is pretty normal and you are not alone. It just shows that you are human and keep in … Continue reading “Play Piano In Front Of An Audience”
Everything You Need To Know Before Buying A Celeste
Celeste is a musical instrument that provides a bell-like sound. There is a shade of mystery about the celestes. Both celeste (called celesta sometimes) and the keyboard glockenspiel make use of a mechanism similar to that of a grand piano. It means that a person capable of playing the piano can also play these musical … Continue reading “Everything You Need To Know Before Buying A Celeste”