Many times it feels as if time is speeding up and becoming unavailable quickly especially after the last year. With all the events happening around you all the time, you may wonder if you will ever find time to practice playing the piano. It is difficult to find the time away from a packed schedule … Continue reading “Taking Time To Learn Playing Piano”
piano lessons
Art Of Practicing To Play Piano Well
Many people practice playing the piano or other similar musical instruments for longer hours every day while others practice just for 20 minutes each day a few times every week. The question is, does it mean that people practicing for longer hours are more likely to get better? The answer is not necessarily. The number … Continue reading “Art Of Practicing To Play Piano Well”
Tips For Practicing Playing Piano
When you are not sure about where to make a beginning while sitting down at the piano, here are some piano playing practice tips to help you maintain concentration to achieve a meaningful improvement in your skills. Keep in mind that practice is the most significant part of the learning process and becoming an expert … Continue reading “Tips For Practicing Playing Piano”
Everything You Need To Know Before Buying A Celeste
Celeste is a musical instrument that provides a bell-like sound. There is a shade of mystery about the celestes. Both celeste (called celesta sometimes) and the keyboard glockenspiel make use of a mechanism similar to that of a grand piano. It means that a person capable of playing the piano can also play these musical … Continue reading “Everything You Need To Know Before Buying A Celeste”
Learn Piano Skills From Home
Now that many of us have extra time on our hands due to the Coronavirus, one may consider picking up a new skill. If you have always wanted to play the piano, now is the time to learn piano skills. Learning piano from home is one way that you can stay safe while pursuing a … Continue reading “Learn Piano Skills From Home”
Why Your Piano Needs A Piano Tuner
Your piano is most likely very special to you. However, if you do not tune your piano on a regular basis, it will not sound as good as it should. Here we will discuss why your piano will need to see a piano tuner on a regular basis. When you see a piano tuner, the … Continue reading “Why Your Piano Needs A Piano Tuner”
Is It Worth It To Learn Piano If You Don’t Plan To Get Good At It?
Did you know that learning to play keyboard instruments can be a very effective form of self-improvement?! Playing the piano is the most complicated activity done with the hands that humanity has come up with. Compare this to the surgeon’s work – widely regarded as extremely complicated. It requires great precision, so-called of a hand, … Continue reading “Is It Worth It To Learn Piano If You Don’t Plan To Get Good At It?”
5 Distinct Ways in Which Piano Classes Can Benefit Youngsters
Music has always had a soothing and uplifting effect upon the human psyche since times immemorial. Music, it has been rightly remarked, is food for the soul. Learning to play a musical instrument like a guitar or piano is as significant as engaging in a sporting activity for the all round development of children and … Continue reading “5 Distinct Ways in Which Piano Classes Can Benefit Youngsters”